My whole Sat was surrounded with heat, unwanted heat, as my fever and pain did not reduce any, so basically I sleep the day away. I didn’t mention this before, actually I am allergy to Panadol which contain paracetamol, one of the necessary medicine for fever relief (but secretly n risky, I will take one to relief the fever. Seem this time it is not working) It hit my sis’s alarm when she sees my fever (at 38deg plus) have no improvement at all, so decided to bring me to A&E dept at TTS during the night time.
Only one visitor with one patient was allowed to enter the clinic, and pls be reminded to bring both I/C along, else entrance is not permitted. Waited for long two hours, finally got the doc consultation and exam I was virus infection (Let me keep the details to myself). I was told to admit “24hours observation ward” for further review.
Note: This “24hours observation ward” is not the same as normal ward.
So my whole Sunday was in the tire, painful, heaty and sleepy condition, ‘ruled’ by those scheduled routine. ‘Ms Tan xxxxx, pls take your medicine’. ‘Ms Tan xxxxx, time to take you temperature.’ ‘Ms Tan xxxxx, your lunch is here.’ ‘Ms Tan xxxxxx I need to inject you……..’ Then I can feel my life is closer to the recycle routine. No TV, no radio – that is one of the diff between 24hrs & the norm. Luckily special friend was there with me the whole day, with a lot of newspaper and magazine.
Blood test, ultrasound test done. All ok except no sight of improvement on fever.
Docs with senior doc consult review time, 8.30am, 3.30pm and 10.30pm. Each time I requested to discharge but insisted on the last round. Senior doc allowed me to go home at my own risk taken, to bring back my 38plus deg fever. 7 days hospital leave to let me rest at home.
It took quite a while to settle the discharge administration process and medicine collection, when reach home it was passed mid-night.
Monday, fever becomes my closest ‘friend’ and it bring along with diarrhea. Luckily my appetite return bit by bit and I realized how wonderful it is to be able to appreciate the food we always have. I am still fighting hard with these two ‘friend’ but seriously speaking, they gave me a lot of viewing too, will share with you all when I am getting better.