This is my fourth time to Bangkok (from 04 Oct to 07 Oct), doing the same old shopping and massage.
But my first time to Royal Grand Palace

Found this tissue and toothpick provider at MBK foodcourt. Why can't Singapore have this kind of service too. First thing come in our mind is....... it will be gone the moment you have it set on the table. So aren't we shameful of this behaviour if this really happen.
Anyway, didn't enjoy much for the shopping cos I was sick before setting for this trip. Not fully recover but insisted to travel for this trip. I do enjoyed a lot of their Thai traditional massage and in fact it helped me to feel more fresh after it. Cool.
Watched this Hindo movie - Life is a Metro, during our trip back but too bad the journey was too short to complete the whole movie. So guess what? I am going to buy the VCD to finish the show.