Bourne races to discover the final mysteries of his past while a government agent tries to track him down after a shootout in Moscow.
Main Cast: Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, David Strathairn
Director: Paul Greengrass
Genre:Action/ Adventure
Running Time:105 minutes
My Rate: ****1/2
I feel ..... I just can't wait too long to watch it, been waiting for so long after "The Bourne Supremacy". Perhaps this has been one of my favourite series movies from "The Bourne Identity", so I find this is a good movie too although the ending is still remain to our imagination to finish the storyline. I do enjoy this movie!!!
Now, the next series movie that need to wait will be Harry Potter.
Have always wanted to watch that man. According to the John Steward show, it has been getting rave reviews before the show begun. Matt Damon was also quoted saying that he is glad the show didn't suck.
I really must watch that man.
Go and watch it. I believe you will enjoy.
Looks like a good movie to catch. At least fairly intellectual and not just mindless entertainment. Must make a mental note to catch it if family commitments permit!
i watched it last night with a friend and it was really good!
I liked the ending too
Read from newspaper there might be Bourne 4. Hmmm, if it's true, hope they don't let us wait for too long.
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